About Policy Submissions

We regularly make submissions to national level inquiries. If you are after a submission from earlier than listed here, please contact us.

2 July 2018
Consumers Health Forum

CHF has consistently advocated123 for a national, whole-of-society obesity strategy. This is because recent reports show that years of public education campaigns have failed to reverse the rise in obesity, showing that it is well past time for individual-oriented prevention to become a priority...Read more

2 July 2018
Consumers Health Forum

CHF works to achieve safe, quality, timely and affordable healthcare for all Australians, supported by accessible health information and systems. We support the principles of consumer centred care and chief among these is the principle of universal health care1. Private Health Insurance (PHI)...Read more

30 May 2018
Consumers Health Forum

At the heart of CHF’s policy agenda is patient-centred care. Our responses to the public consultation have been formed with a patient-centred approach in mind. CHF is a strong advocate of the development of guidelines for all sectors of the health system. While guidelines are only...Read more

18 May 2018

CHF believe all Australians, no matter their location, should have access to safe, good quality and timely health care. Rates of mental health conditions and suicide are much higher in rural and remote areas. Yet, unfortunately we find the mental health workforce unevenly distributed across...Read more

30 March 2018
Consumers Health Forum

CHF appreciates the opportunity to provide a submission in response to the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) on Patient Safety and Quality Improvement in Primary Care Consultation Paper. At the heart of CHF’s policy agenda is patient-centred care. Our responses...Read more

19 March 2018
Consumers Health Forum

Presenting options for regulatory reforms to make a positive contribution to reducing the misuse and abuse of strong opioids and contributing to better pain management for consumers. Read more

28 February 2018
Consumers Health Forum

CHF is pleased to make a submission to the consultation on early release of superannuation benefits under compassionate and financial hardship grounds and for victims of crime compensation. CHF’s interest in this issue is related to ensuring Australians have affordable access to the health...Read more

22 December 2017
Consumers Health Forum

We welcome the opportunity to make this submission in response to the consultation paper on proposed regulatory changes related to personalised and 3D printed medical devices released by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in November 2017.

New manufacturing technologies present...Read more

19 December 2017

The Consumers Health Forum in this 2018-19 Budget submission urges the Government to ensure the health system is consumer centred: providing care which is accessible, affordable and for whole-of-person needs.
We acknowledge the commitment from the Government to developing and delivering on...Read more

30 October 2017
Consumers Health Forum

CHF welcomed the Review of Medicines and Medical Device Regulation. Consumers constantly raise with us their concerns about safety and quality of medicines and medical devices often giving us examples of when the system has failed. We have heard some terrible stories. For many people, this is...Read more
