About Policy Submissions

We regularly make submissions to national level inquiries. If you are after a submission from earlier than listed here, please contact us.

4 October 2016
Consumers Health Forum
CHF was pleased that one of the initial stated intentions in revising the Standards was to make them more consumer focused. However, we feel that this intent has not been realised in the current draft as a substantial number of the comments from our original submission and the consultation with healthcare consumers have not been taken into consideration.Read more
30 September 2016
Consumers Health Forum

CHF is aware that many concerns have been raised about the awarding of the contract for the National Register to Telstra Health. However it is clear from the Bill that the Commonwealth is the custodian of the data in the register and as such has the responsibility to ensure that sufficient /...Read more

30 September 2016
Consumers Health Forum

The Discussion Paper identified a number of key areas that the Panel wanted advice on to help shape its recommendations. Consistent with our desire to have a 21st century health system that has the consumer at its centre our submission concentrates on changes which would have a direct impact on...Read more

7 September 2016
Consumers Health Forum

CHF welcomed the opportunity to put in a submission on these proposed savings measures. We did not have time to consult our members explicitly on this Bill but we did consult them when the measures were announced as part of the Budget and as the measures have not changed the position remain the...Read more

29 January 2016
Consumers Health Forum

Integrated and coherent health policy should start with the healthcare consumer and their needs. Wider policy must recognise the link between the nation’s overall health status and productivity: an investment in healthcare is an investment in the health of the budget itself.Read more

15 June 2015
Consumers Health Forum

Abstract: CHF's submission to the RACGP's Vision for a Sustainable Health System Discussion Paper.Read more

18 May 2015
Consumers Health Forum

The Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF) is pleased to provide a submission to the Issues Paper for the Post-Market Review of the Life-Saving Drugs Programme (the Issues Paper). Before going into the content of our views, we want to express our deep concerns with the limitations the Review...Read more

17 April 2015
Consumers Health Forum

This submission into the Availability of new, innovative and specialist cancer drugs in Australia draws on the experiences of our members and consumer representatives in assessing the availability and effectiveness of medicines in Australia, and in particular the operation of the Pharmaceutical...Read more

10 April 2015
Consumers Health Forum

The definitive goal of this review of the regulatory framework should be the safety and quality of complementary medicines in Australia. Any new framework must carefully balance the risk to consumer safety and consumer choice concerns.Read more

1 February 2015
Consumers Health Forum
The Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF) is the national peak body representing the interests of Australian healthcare consumers. CHF works to achieve safe, quality, timely healthcare for all Australians, supported by accessible health information and systems. CHF welcomes the opportunity to...Read more
