About Policy Submissions

We regularly make submissions to national level inquiries. If you are after a submission from earlier than listed here, please contact us.

5 January 2015
Consumers Health Forum
CHF considers this review to be of critical importance to every Australian health consumer. Consumers consistently raise with us their concerns about the safety and quality of medicines, giving details of personal experiences of when the safety regime has failed them. With this in mind, CHF...Read more
5 September 2014
Consumers Health Forum

CHF supports that any health care service be based on the principles of consumer-centred healthcare and that it considers the patient, their carer and family. The key principles of consumercentred healthcare are inclusive of safety and quality issues, cost and sustainability.Read more

20 August 2014
Consumers Health Forum

CHF has strongly opposed policies that increase consumer out-of-pocket costs through the imposition of new or increased co-payments. We have raised these concerns consistently through previous submissions to Senate Committee inquiries. CHF’s commissioned research on out-ofpocket costs highlights...Read more

8 November 2013
Consumers Health Forum
CHF welcomes the review into the Personally Controlled Electronic Health Records (PCEHR) System. CHF has undertaken extensive work on eHealth, particularly in relation to the PCEHR. Our submission draws on consultations with our membership, which includes organisations advocating for disease specific groups and networks, state and territory peak consumer organisations and individual consumers. CHF’s submission also draws on consultations undertaken through our Facilitating Consumer Input on the PCEHR Project, as well as previous submissions to consultations relating to the PCEHR. CHF also conducted an eHealth consultation in Feb 2012 as part of the Community Quality Use of Medicines and Medical Tests (CQUM/T) Project.Read more
8 April 2012
Consumers Health Forum

CHF considers that the current Inquiry provides a valuable opportunity to review the Government’s response to the numerous recent regulatory reviews outlined in TGA Reforms: A blueprint for the TGA’s future, which was released in December 2011. However, we note that the TGA is still in the...Read more
