About Policy Submissions

We regularly make submissions to national level inquiries. If you are after a submission from earlier than listed here, please contact us.

31 January 2017
Consumers Health Forum

This is a brief initial submission in response to the discussion paper released by the Agency in November 2016. We look forward to working with the Agency to involve consumers more and to progress and resolve the issues raised in this submission and by other consumers through the consultation...Read more

20 December 2016
Consumers Health Forum

Consumer focused commitments for a 21st century consumer centred healthcare system

Adequate and equitable resourcing of our health system is essential to allow access to healthcare when and where consumers need it. Evidence-based and well-resourced health systems...Read more

15 December 2016
Consumers Health Forum

CHF believes that consumers and leaders of health service organisations should work together to create a health system that is responsive to patient, consumer and carer preferences and needs. Equally, consumers and clinicians should work together to plan, develop and evaluate services. Evidence...Read more

12 December 2016
CHF supports the development of patient centred, holistic care. An element of this is the dismantling of the silos that currently exist between mental and physical health. These silos are evident at the point of care delivery but also at the system and policy setting level. We are strong...Read more
2 December 2016
Consumers Health Forum

We welcome the opportunity to provide feedback regarding the redesign of the Practice Incentives Program. CHF supports the promotion of positive health behaviours and commends attempts to increase the rates of this occurring. Consequently, we support the proposed re-design of the PIP as we...Read more

30 November 2016
Consumers Health Forum

CHF strongly supports in-principle the need for the introduction of revalidation of medical practitioners, and its fundamental purpose of ensuring public safety in healthcare. Australian consumers must be able to have complete faith in the safety and quality of healthcare services. This is a...Read more

4 November 2016
Consumers Health Forum
"INTRODUCING COMPETITION AND INFORMED USER CHOICE INTO HUMAN SERVICES: IDENTIFYING SECTORS FOR REFORM" Whilst CHF acknowledges that there is scope for improved efficiency in the delivery of health services we do not think that this preliminary findings report makes a convincing case for increasing competition and contestability delivering those efficiencies without detriment to consumers.  Some of the benefits identified for consumers could and should be achieved by reforms within the existing market arrangements. After these have been implemented it would then be useful to revisit all three areas and see if there is still scope for additional benefits from increased competition.Read more
24 October 2016

CHF welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback of the draft 5th edition Standards for General Practice Patient Feedback guide. We are pleased with the current state of the patient feedback guide and feel that the majority of the work in it respects consumers and will help practices best serve...Read more

6 October 2016
Consumers Health Forum

CHF is providing this submission in response to the First Report of the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) Principles and Rules Committee, and to add to our responses provided via the online survey about the First Report.Read more

4 October 2016
Consumers Health Forum

The need for and use of chaperones in the medical profession is a challenging issue for all concerned and one that CHF supports the investigation of. Due to the short timeframe in which submissions were called for we have not had time to consult our members explicitly on this submission. However...Read more
