The Discussion Paper identified a number of key areas that the Panel wanted advice on to help shape its recommendations. Consistent with our desire to have a 21st century health system that has the consumer at its centre our submission concentrates on changes which would have a direct impact on consumers and would improve their access to a full suite of community pharmacy services.

Fundamental to our recommendations is the move away from an omnibus bilateral community pharmacy agreement to a series of arrangements that are negotiated on a multilateral basis with all key stakeholders. We look to deregulation of location and ownership to be the springboard for more innovation and meeting changing consumers’ expectations around when and where they get their medicines and other pharmacy services.

All of our recommendations take into account other health reforms that are underway, including the introduction of Health Care Homes, the role of Primary Health Networks and the move to more integrated care across primary and hospital settings. Community pharmacy needs to be included in all these reforms and we believe our recommendations position it to do so.

Publication type: 
Publish date: 
Friday, September 30, 2016
Consumers Health Forum