20 August 2014 Submission
Consumers Health Forum

CHF has strongly opposed policies that increase consumer out-of-pocket costs through the imposition of new or increased co-payments. We have raised these concerns consistently through previous submissions to Senate Committee inquiries. CHF’s commissioned research on out-ofpocket costs highlights...

8 May 2014 Report
Consumers Health Forum
We have long been concerned about the rising out of pocket costs impacting consumers’ access to quality health care. Beginning in January 2014, we ran a survey to collect consumers’ experiences with out of pocket costs. This survey received over 500 responses, and the stories consumers told were...
15 April 2014 Health Voices
Consumers Health Forum

Better bang for your buck

14 March 2014 Presentations and Speeches
Consumers Health Forum
Presentation by Leanne Wells, CEO, CHF, at the International Primary Health Care Reform Conference, Brisbane, March 14-16 2016.
18 December 2013 Fact Sheets
Consumers Health Forum

This information is for people who want to find out more about why they have been asked
to have a diagnostic test and what it could involve – so that they can make an informed
choice about it.

8 November 2013 Submission
Consumers Health Forum
CHF welcomes the review into the Personally Controlled Electronic Health Records (PCEHR) System. CHF has undertaken extensive work on eHealth, particularly in relation to the PCEHR. Our submission draws on consultations with our membership, which includes organisations advocating for disease specific groups and networks, state and territory peak consumer organisations and individual consumers. CHF’s submission also draws on consultations undertaken through our Facilitating Consumer Input on the PCEHR Project, as well as previous submissions to consultations relating to the PCEHR. CHF also conducted an eHealth consultation in Feb 2012 as part of the Community Quality Use of Medicines and Medical Tests (CQUM/T) Project.
21 October 2013 Health Voices
Consumers Health Forum
Primary care at the turning point
21 April 2013 Health Voices
Consumers Health Forum

Australian healthcare — out of pocket and out of date?

12 April 2013 Fact Sheets
Consumers Health Forum

In consultations conducted by the CHF over many years, consumers have raised concerns over the lack of informed consent and informed financial consent processes when making decisions about their healthcare. This is of particular concern in the context of rising out-of-pocket healthcare costs and...

8 January 2013 Archived
Consumers Health Forum
This is a review of literature and practice that relate to using patient experience and consumer evidence to drive improved health outcomes. The focus is on qualitative, narrative methods of inviting and analysing consumer experience data – put simply, personal stories.
