12 May 2021 Report
Consumers Health Forum

Federal Budget 2021-22 analysis

Since the Federal Budget 2021-22 was handed down by the Treasurer, Josh Frydenburg on Tuesday 11 May 2021, we have been working hard to bring you the latest information and expert commentary on how the Budget responds to the needs of health consumers....

11 May 2021 Consumers Shaping Health
Consumers Health Forum

What do we expect and need in this Budget?

As this edition of Consumers Shaping Health goes to press, we await the fine detail of what the Federal Budget will bring, particularly for health care.

  • Navigating Telehealth: the Patients’ Perspective
  • ...
5 May 2021 Report
Croakey Health Media

This report by Jennifer Doggett and Cate Carrigan for the Croakey Conference News Service, captures content from the Consumers Health Forum of Australia’s Virtual...

4 May 2021 Report
Consumers Health Forum and NPS MedicineWise

CHF was engaged and funded by NPS MedicineWise as the lead agency to plan and implement a project, Consumer Health Literacy Segmentation Research.

The Consumer Segmentation Research contributes to improving consumer health literacy as it relates to quality use of medicines (QUM) through...

23 April 2021 Report
Consumers Health Forum
15 April 2021 Health Voices
Consumers Health Forum

Consumers shifting gears to drive better health care

The value of learning from experience was given fresh power at CHF's first Australian and New Zealand health consumers' summit. In the April 2021 issue of Health Voices, we present perspectives from participants at the Summit...

13 April 2021 Youth Health Update
Youth Health Forum
  • Messages about the #Shifting Gears Summit from Young leader Roxxanne and CHF CEO Leanne Wells
  • Consultations for a consumer guide
  • The first of a series of advocacy videos

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6 April 2021 Consumers Shaping Health
Consumers Health Forum

Summit catches the wave of health consumer power

The CHF Summit: Shifting Gears 2021 is over, read more for reviews and links to highlights 

  • Ageism in health care - a project by the Older Women’s Network NSW (OWN NSW) and Health Consumers NSW (HCNSW)
  • ...
31 March 2021 Report
Consumers Health Forum

Australasia’s first health consumers conference involving over 820 delegates from Australia and around the world has given fresh momentum to consumer direction and influence in health care.

The first ever Shifting Gears Summit on consumer experience and leadership in health care was...
