9 November 2021 Submission

In August 2021 the Australian Digital Health Agency commenced planning on the next National Digital Health Strategy to be launched in 2022. This began with a National Survey and CHF was invited to provide additional input in the form...

3 November 2021 Presentations and Speeches
Consumers Health Forum and Croakey News Media
26 October 2021 Submission
Consumers Health Forum

The Consumers Health Forum has called for an enhanced focus on the central role of consumers in its submission to the Review of the National Medicines Policy.

That is a development in which CHF has played a leading part and we are now urging that this momentum is maintained in the NMP...

18 October 2021 Position Statements
Consumers Health Forum

Statement of Collaborative Intent

This Statement of Collaborative Intent reflects a partnership that respects the roles and responsibilities of the Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF) and the Health Consumer Advocacy Network of South Australia (Health CAN SA). It underpins

11 October 2021 Submission

The Australian Medical Research and Innovation Strategy (Strategy) is determined by the Australian Medical Research Advisory Board (AMRAB). The Strategy ensures a coherent and consistent approach is adopted in the funding of medical research and innovation from the Medical Research Future

9 October 2021 Consumers Shaping Health
Consumers Health Forum

Diving deep into high level strategy to help consumers get the best from their healthcare

In the Oct 2021 edition of Consumers Shaping Health, we discuss the high level Policy advocacy positions CHF is taking during Policy and Strategy Reviews for Medicines...

14 September 2021 Fact Sheets

The presentation slides for the webinar with; 

  • Helen Milner OBE, Group CEO Good Things Foundation, (UK) 
  • Jess Wilson, CEO Good Things Foundation, (Aust) 
  • Liz Jones, Good Things Foundation, (Aust) 
7 September 2021 Consumers Shaping Health
Consumers Health Forum

Youth Health Summit a timely forum

In the September 2021 edition of Consumers Shaping Health, we .....

  • Our friends at headspace have launched a new campaign to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people with their social and
  • ...
30 August 2021 Submission

This response advocates that the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ASQHC) co-design the new Standards with consumers of mental health services.  This means not only consulting and engaging with consumers, but offering consumer led development of the Standards. 


30 August 2021 Submission

CHF broadly supports the findings and recommendations of the findings and recommendations made in recent and previous years over many years. They confirm that consumers and carers experience a mental health system that fragmented, difficult to understand and navigate, and is not serving mental...
