About Presentations

Our staff are often asked to present at workshops, forums and other events. Their presentations are listed here. If you would like to see a presentation from earlier than listed here, please contact us.

13 September 2018

Watch here: youtu.be/B-9Z7KpQqW0 In this webinar, we discuss among other topics what skills are required to use My Health Record, the level of digital inclusion in Australia and discuss the ethics of the decision to opting people with low digital or...Read more

6 September 2018

Watch here: youtu.be/M59yAJt_njM   In this webinar, we discuss among other topics the risks to privacy and security, the risk to community perceptions of the intersection between the health system and government, and what measures are in place to manage...Read more

3 September 2018

Watch here: youtube.com/watch?v=xdOpbG8ZJo8. In this webinar, we discuss among other topics the benefits to the individual, the benefits to the health system, the barriers to realising benefits and what work is underway to measure...Read more

23 August 2018

Watch here: youtube.com/watch?v=jBHkHqlQvhI -  In this webinar, we discuss among other topics how My Health Record currently and could in the future interact with the rest of the Ausrtralian health system, the safety and quality impacts...Read more

8 August 2018

Watch here: youtube.com/watch?v=5yhx4WZP6EM  In this webinar, we briefly cover My Health Record in general, then open a panel discussion that focussed on the privacy and security of the system, how legislation and policy affects it, and...Read more

6 June 2018
Consumers Health Forum

An introduction to patient implant cards and patient information leaflets for implantable medical devices.Read more

9 May 2018
Consumers Health Forum

We welcome the greater consumer focus in the 2018 Budget, however longer-term primary health care reforms must remain on the radar as part of keeping Medicare up to date.  Read more

4 April 2018
Consumer Health Forum

If we consider what defines patient-centred care: “health care that is respectful of, and responsive to, the preferences, needs and values of patients and consumers”, then without patient input, we are left to assume that we understand what they need and value in health care. Read the rest of...Read more

4 April 2018
Consumer Health Forum

These slides accompanied Leanne Wells' speech at the 4th International Health Reform Conference.Read more

4 April 2018

This webinar, co-hosted with the AHHA, heard Chris Pointon talk about the #hellomynameis movement, compassionate care and what this means to patients, carers and health care staff. View a recording here: https://youtu.be/bK5_um6StgQ.Read more
