18 December 2013 Fact Sheets

Why do I even need this test?

Consumers Health Forum

This information is for people who want to find out more about why they have been asked
to have a diagnostic test and what it could involve – so that they can make an informed
choice about it.

12 April 2013 Fact Sheets

Informed Consent Issues Paper

Consumers Health Forum

In consultations conducted by the CHF over many years, consumers have raised concerns over the lack of informed consent and informed financial consent processes when making decisions about their healthcare. This is of particular concern in the context of rising out-of-pocket healthcare costs and...

4 June 2012 Fact Sheets

Checklist for Secretariats

Consumers Health Forum

Committee secretariats can the contribution of a consumer representative on a by supporting his or her involvement. This checklist, developed by the Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF) provides some useful tips. Although the checklist is not exhaustive, it provides some useful pointers.

10 January 2012 Fact Sheets

Confidentiality guidelines - Info for Consumer Reps

Consumers Health Forum
This fact sheet helps consumer representatives decide what is confidential. It is a guide only, different committees may have different requirements and consumer representatives should clarify these with their committee’s secretariat. Even where a committee member is not required to sign a...
18 October 2010 Fact Sheets

Consumer Representative Guideline Inserts

Consumers Health Forum

This resource helps Consumer Reps think through some of the issues they're likely to face, and makes suggestions about how to solve them.

5 August 2010 Fact Sheets

What is the MBS?

Consumers Health Forum
The benefits you receive from Medicare are based on a Schedule of fees for medical services set by the Australian Government. The Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) lists a wide range of consultations, procedures and tests, and the Schedule fee for each of these items(for example, an appointment with your GP or blood tests to monitor your cholesterol level.)
