Australia’s Health Panel is an Australian first.
A people-driven resource for the millions of Australians personally interested in health care.
In an age of consumer-driven health care, Australia's Heath Panel realises our vision for a home to the views of informed consumers.
What is Australia's Health Panel?
The Panel is an interactive platform dedicated to collecting the views of Australians about the state of the nation’s healthcare system. This information is used to inform our advocacy.
Health care will change rapidly over the next ten years, driven by community expectations and developments in fields such as medical knowledge, genomics and digital health. Australia's Health Panel delivers insights that strengthen the community voice, shaping health care in the way we want it in the 21st century.
Businesses seeking to better shape their products and services ask consumers “what matters to you?” It should be the same in health care. The Panel provides a unique, direct channel asking consumers about contemporary issues in health and care and what matters to them.
Discussion Forums
Mini Polls
Consumer Driven
Placing consumer views front and centre of the national health debate.
Positioning consumer insights to influence policy in the community's interests.
Consumers work with us to co-design system change for better health outcomes.
Australia's Health Panel is a rapid response vehicle for consumer comment on health policy and program initiatives that can be accessed by national, local, demographic or health segmentations.
Enhance Value
Adding depth and diversity to the thought leadership of Australia’s leading health consumer peak body.
What does the Panel say?
Australia’s Health Panel reinforces the fundamental principle that health is everybody’s business. CHF advocates that health care is an investment, not a cost, which results in better health for our population and our productivity.
We use the responses from Australia’s Health Panel to take the pulse of how people from across Australia feel about particular issues, find out about your experiences using healthcare services, and hear your thoughts on what's working and what isn’t. This helps in designing and shaping our advocacy work in health policy.
It’s a great opportunity to have your say about health care and be involved in influencing decisions about Australia's health system.