Australian Alliance for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare- Consumer Health Flagship

Engaging with the modern health system is often challenging, inefficient, and frustrating for consumers. Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven services can potentially be transformational: simplifying interactions with complex systems, anticipating needs, and delivering personalised, highly targeted health information.

The Australian Alliance for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare (or AI Health Alliance) brings together more than 90 national and international partners and engaged stakeholders in academia, government, consumer, clinical, industry organisations, and peak bodies to translate frontier AI technologies into real-world health services.

The Consumer Health Flagship is one of the four strategic areas of the AI Health Alliance, focusing on the use of AI in consumer-led healthcare, supporting projects that assist consumers:

  • in making decisions about access to clinical services or self-care
  • accessing their own personally adapted health information to assist in maintaining a healthy lifestyle
  • to effectively navigate their interactions with the healthcare system
  • to contribute their own experience to critical medical decisions
  • to sustain health and wellbeing as they age

Our engagement with consumers in these projects will ensure AI services best address community needs: maximising adoption and translation and optimising the use of health and social care resources.

As part of the AI Alliance, CHF will help to set the standard for the use of AI in supporting Australians to manage their healthcare and influence national digital health infrastructure.