The Federal Government must show it is serious about overhauling the shameful state of aged care by immediately committing to four central challenges: substantially lift funding, establish rigorous quality and safety standards, introduce total system transparency and improve health care. The report...
The Consumers Health Forum says the proposed new JobSeeker rate of just $25 a week extra fails to recognise the economic and health damages that low incomes inflict on people. CHF argues the Government should set the JobSeeker rate at $65 a day. “Australians accepted the good sense of a substantial...
A report on loneliness, an issue which clouds the lives of many Australians and exposes them to increased risk of depression and other illness, has called for a national plan of action to address the often unrecognised condition. Fifteen per cent of Australians were considered to be experiencing...
a girl receives a vaccination
The benefits and safety of COVID-19 vaccines need to be clearly communicated to many diverse communities.
There is no better time than now for the Federal Government to support the development of consumer leadership in the health system, the Consumers Health Forum said today. In its submission for the 2021-22 Federal Budget, CHF has urged Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg, to support the establishment of an...
The introduction today of Active Ingredient Prescribing will help clarify consumers’ understanding of the medicines they are prescribed, the Consumers Health Forum says. “This is a welcome advance for patients by focusing, where practical, on the name of the effective ingredient of a medication...
The scale and complexity of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout make it vital that Federal and state governments urgently step-up comprehensive communications to ensure the best possible outcome, the Consumers Health Forum says. CHF has today released its position statement on the COVID-19 vaccine rollout...
Health consumer organisations (HCOs) have a major and growing voice in health policy, including through submissions and discussions about government subsidy for new medicines. Health consumer organisations are funded in a variety of ways and many accept pharmaceutical industry funding. This...
The Consumers Health Forum welcomes the AMA’s position statement on health literacy as important recognition of the need for strong public support for people to have access to valid health information. “CHF has long argued for more focus on health literacy to ensure people understand their own...
The lowest average rise in health insurance premiums in nearly 20 years is welcome although many Australians in the current economic climate will struggle to meet the increased cost, the Consumers Health Forum said today. “The 2.74 per cent average increase in premiums to take effect next April is...


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